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Members Area

Useful links

Welcome to the FSC Member Area!

Here, you'll find all the resources you need to make the most of your Fussbally experience:

Schedule Make-Up Sessions: Missed a session? No problem! We’re very flexible, allowing you to make up sessions at your convenience. You can schedule as many make-up sessions as you need.

Contact Lasse: Have a question or concern? Use the “Schedule a call with Coach Lasse” link to schedule a call with him. He’s here to help with any issues you may have.

All of our current schedules of leagues, tournaments and all game results will be posted here. If you are looking for a schedule and cannot find it on this page please text: 303-828-7079 for more information

Get thousands of touches whenever you like – even in your own basement!

The Fussbally Ball Machine is a favorite among families and teams, and it often rents out quickly. Don’t miss your chance to revolutionize your training—secure your spot today!

Introducing Fussbally Badges

Cancelation/Refund/Credit Policy

60 days or more before event start we pay 100% refund - 3% processing fee
45 days before event start we pay 100% refund - 3% processing fee - $50 admin fee
30 days before event start we pay 80% refund - 3% processing fee or we give 100% credit transfer to any other events
20 days before event start we pay 50% refund - 3% processing fee or we give 80% credit transfer to any other events
Less than 20 days before an event start we are giving full credit to future events when there is a medical emergency. Please provide a doctors note for not being able to play.
After events start we are not able to provide any credits or refunds for any reason. This includes our 12 week seasons. After the first week of the season we are not able to give credit or refunds.

Besides the countless hours of organizing events and planning out content. We staff, rent indoor and outdoor field space based on sign ups before events start. When kids are not able to finish a camp or don’t attend all trainings in a season this does not reduce our costs. We employ very qualified coaches with excellent capabilities. To be fair to our top coaches we do not adjust their compensation when less kids attend an event than originally planned. We are also not able to rent less fields with DPR, DPS or other organizations when we need less field space than expected. In other words: Our costs are fixed a least one month before events, we are not able to provide refunds on short notice.

Why our cost consequences stay the same, we understand how much struggle medical emgergancies can cause and rather carry the financial loss than pushing sick children to attend events or families having to carry even more financial burden while having a sick, injured child.

We do offer a lot of flexibility for our Soccer Club members. Both our weekly training sessions and games can be made up anytime andwhere with no questions asked during hr quarter.

Abuse Prevention at Fussbally

At Fussbally abuse prevention plays a very high priority for us an organization. Because of that we re taking multiple measures and regular steps to ensure a safe and positive environment for all participating kids.

More Than Just Soccer

Fussbally’s dedication to abuse prevention reflects its broader commitment to shaping responsible, compassionate young individuals. By focusing on safety, respect, and accountability, Fussbally creates a community where children can grow, learn, and play with confidence. We are open at any time to suggestions to upgrade or optimize our system for abuse prevention. If you have recommendations or would like to discuss this topic further please never hesitate to reach out.

Fussbally understands that safety is paramount. The club implements stringent policies to protect players, fostering a culture of respect and accountability. Every coach, volunteer, and staff member undergoes thorough background checks and receives training to recognize and address potential signs of abuse. These checks are updated annually.

Beyond Background checks we take pride in closely vetting all of our staff before hireling. All staff members are professionals that have gone through multiple rounds of interviews, and references are checked to ensure that kids are exposed to only positive influences 

Prevention starts with knowledge. Fussbally conducts regular workshops for staff to promote awareness about healthy boundaries, effective communication, and the importance of reporting any concerns. By empowering everyone involved, the club ensures that potential issues are addressed before they escalate.

Fussbally prioritizes transparency and communication. The club has established a clear reporting system for any concerns or incidents, offering both anonymity and swift action. This approach reassures parents and players that their well-being is taken seriously.